I set up my business, Patron Wills in August of this year. My mission is to #putthefunbackintodying, by ensuring that conversations with clients about their Wills aren’t depressing.
I’d been doing will writing for a few years prior to setting up my own business. I found that a lot of people in my industry come from a financial services background and tend to tiptoe around the subject of death and dying. My approach is rather different. Whilst always compassionate, I aim to ensure people can have a giggle with me while talking about a serious subject.
For many years I managed sheltered housing schemes, where I got to see the things people tend to worry about as they get older, namely;
Loss of independence
Fear of being taken advantage of
Worries about being a burden
Lack of control
Through Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney, I help people regain that control, both over their finances and also their decisions.
I help you put plans in place to ensure that whatever happens, be it illness or death, you can rest assured that your wishes will be followed, the right people will inherit the right things at the right time and that people you trust will be able to make decisions on your behalf if needed.
I’m very active on Linkedin. You can find me there on
Or contact me via email on sarah@patronwills.co.uk
Or phone – 07807815750
You can also join my email list for a daily dose of tales about my delinquent dog, disastrous dates and other surreal thoughts, which usually segue into a little bit of information about wills and lasting powers of attorney